Short-Term Independent Study

If a student needs to be absent from school for an extended period of time due to unforeseen events such as family traveling or a student living away from home for a period of time, parents may request a Short-Term Independent Study Program for their student. Parents are expected to supervise the completion of the Independent Study Agreement.

A Short-Term Independent Study Agreement is a specific, written, legal, contract between the parent and the school that is subject to the following conditions:

  • Parent/Guardian must notify the school in advance, at least five (5) school days, prior to the planned departure from school, unless due to COVID related absences.
  • The request for Short-Term Independent Study must be for a minimum of three (3) consecutive days and may not exceed fourteen (14) cumulative school days within a school year.
  • Short-term Independent Study should not be issued for the first five (5) days or for the last five (5) days of a school year (some exceptions may apply; can be waived by the Director of Pupil Services).
  • The student will have up to five (5) scheduled school days after the Ending Date of the agreement to submit all work
    assignments. Students shall be responsible for turning in all completed school work to the attendance office. If assignments are completed or returned after the Assignment Due Date, academic credit will be given, however, no credit will be awarded for attendance.
  • Academic and other support may be needed to meet the academic or other needs of students on Short-Term Independent Study. Please contact your child’s counselor or teacher for a detailed list of available resources. These resources can be accessed prior to the planned departure from school or upon the student’s return to school.

CLICK HERE to read the procedures and responsibilities to request a Short-Term Independent Study.   Policy #6158  /  Procedures # 6158 (a)  /  Rules and Regulations # 6158 (b)

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